Thursday, February 27, 2014

day 2

Here we are at day two of the homeschool blog. I woke up early.

That isn't a great picture showing how nice the sunrise was through the window. I got a good night sleep and it just looked calm and beautiful. But if for some reason, like a baby, I hadn't slept well the colors would look completely different. Here is a poem which expresses that idea very well:


Distraída y comoquienolvidaunparaguasmente
Me enamoré de la chica con trenzas
Y cuando me dí cuenta ya era tarde.
¿Porqué aulla el crepúsculo estos colores?
¿Quien le pisó la cola?
En todos los perfiles el cielo se entretiene
Recorta los aleros sin olvidar las tejas
Y yo no veré nunca el verdadero
Y completo perfil de mi cabeza.
Mi alma es una garrapata insoportable
Que me rechupa todo y deja exhausto
Y acabará acabando por matarme!


Distracted and likewhenyouforgetyourumbrellaly
I fell in love with a girl with braids
And when I realized it was too late.
Why does the twilight howls in these colors?
Who stepped on his tail?
The sky, with all profiles, entertains
And trims the eaves without forgetting the tiles
And I will never see the true
And full profile of my head.
My soul is a foul tick that resucks it all
And leaves me exhausted
And upended, it ends up ending and killing me.

That poem was written in 1926 by Jacobo Sureda. I like the part about stepping on the tail of the colors howling -- but that is the way you feel after a long difficult night. 


Made sure this was going:

Leo goes to Hawthorne Valley kindergarten two days a week for 3 hours a day, so we walked down in the cold and off he went on the bus. 

The house was messy from good play the day before (card houses in one room, papers out, kitchen, etc):

So I said to clean up before I went to the barn. Aenne has to go to work. Everyone has to help. So, off to barn:

And when I got back, everything was actually straightened up. Huge surprise. I hate to start a day of "school" with any mess. 

In fact, I came in and Ollie had checked his goal books (we write down goals for the week every week) and had decided to go back into his story on the Kanas -- a fictional land first created for this book/class called Islands of the Imagination -- and add in vocabulary words. He got the vocabulary words from his writing class at the Consortium, where he goes on Tuesdays. 

I found this picture that Leo had done yesterday:

I was about to start doing some work with Lotta but Ollie wanted to show me how high the computer could square by 2 before hitting an error message:

Here is a screen shot of the calculator right before it erred:


Ollie is supposed to read the preface to this great book: Bury the Chains and write a poem about it. I said to Ollie, "You know, the names of the villains of history roll off our tongues like common words, but the real heroes, we can't remember their names."

So, 12 people met in a printing shop in the 18th century in London. The first time in human history that anyone ever tried to abolish slavery because it was morally wrong. And, these not-powerful people did it, without violence. Truly a great and inspiring story and an excellent book.

He read the preface but didn't get to the poem. His other assignment is to read chapter 10 of Though a Window  on war among chimpanzees and write his thought about how that might apply to human warfare today and in the evolutionary state. That will come too.

So time for school with Lotta. More multiplication with Lotta. To me, it seems like doing a few problems every day -- no more than she can really get into and enjoy -- is better than drilling. It's not about facts, it's about understanding the idea: place value, variables (function machines), patterns, multiplication, how to use an abacus, dice, a bit of probability... a bit of everything but it's all about concepts.

So time for some function machines with lotta:

Now some more work with dice and colors and the abacus:

Again some adding. 81 + 20 the dice gave us, which puts us into a third column on the abacus. 

Lotta and Leo hung the birds they made with their grandmother over their beds themselves last night:

Now some reading (among other books):

Eventually, some lunch happened. 

And some of this:

Leo came home and some more of that:

And that afternoon I drove to the city with the dogs and went to work and got home at 11:30 PM.

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